Daufuskie Island, South Carolina!

Daufuskie Island, South Carolina!
This is our stunning, detailed, laser engraved and precision cut topographical Map of Daufuskie Island, South Carolina, with the following interesting stats carved into it:
The name Daufuskie, comes from the Muscogee language, meaning “Sharp Feather”. 
The Yemassee Indians arrived on Daufuskie Island in 1664, replacing the Cusabo Indians.
Bloody Point got its name as a result of English settlers ambushing the Yemassee Indians in 1715 on the beach.
The Melrose Mansion was completed on the Stoddard-Mongin plantation in 1848. 
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade brought many enslaved Africans to Daufuskie Island to produce “Sea Island Cotton” during the 18th century. 
The Gullah/Geechee culture was prevalent on the island well after the civil war and into the 1980’s.
The Gullah’s speak a distinct language properly referred to as “Sea Island Creole”.

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